Our team has extensive experience in transforming benchmark companies. Inspirational and results-focused!
Sérgio Castro
He has 1 hour for lunch every day – and he misses it every day.
Nadja Ferreira
She can turn a simple "good morning" into a branding opportunity.
Raul Marques
Africa Business Manager
Negotiates in Portuguese, French, and English – sometimes all in the same meeting.
Patrícia Cardoso
Office Manager
With her MBA in problem-solving, she can handle any crisis – daily.
Celso Cavalcanti
Financial Structuring
Turns numbers into financial poetry.
Sérgio de Paula
Business Developer
Knows that every "maybe" is a disguised opportunity – and seizes them all.
Nelson Santos
Business Developer
Has more business cards than contacts on his phone.
Ana Pereira
Administrative Assistant
She is a master at balancing efficiency with patience.
Catarina Pacheco
Project Manager
When the house (the office) is on fire, she is the one to rescue it.
Beatriz Correia
Marketing Assistant
Embraces "trust the process " like no one else – transforming challenges into opportunities.
Gabriel Silvino
Knows better than anyone that "just one more change" is never just one more.
Do you believe you are the right person to join our team?
Then, secure your spot now!